Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Can you believe its WEEK 2??

Woot woot, I've officially been running/jogging consistently for a full week! That is major progress from "I only run if someone is chasing me with a knife..." Mind you this is not sprinting, nor is it for extended periods of time, but soon it will be!

I got a cramp yesterday from the fourth portion of running, that was a little discouraging but it was colder than ever last night. I think I might have to join the gym to run indoors soon, I'm sick of almost chocking on my throat gunk that happens when it's cold out. Either the big gym, or my little condo clubhouse treadmill... I'm not sure yet :/

So last night was day one of week two in thie C25K program. It consists of 6 sets of 90 seconds of running and two minutes of walking. It is still easy enough that I'm not wanting to quit right away, so yay! I didn't take Colbie this time because my neighborhood is sloped and all I need is for her to pull me one way and my knee or ankle to go the other!

My next run will be tomorrow night and I'm looking forward to it. My roomie has been bugging me to eat afterword even when I'm not hungry. I ate a bit, some pickles which she wanted to hit me for, but I really didn't want anything else. Plus you would think not eating dinner and running would help in my weight loss goals... anyone agree??


  1. Great job! Here's the deal on the eating after running rule... If you eat after a run (healthy - protein is great), it replenishes nutrients and stuff blah blah and helps the body recover quicker. This really comes into play when you're burning a considerable amount of calories and running a bit more. For now, what you're doing is fine. I wouldn't fret about replenishing right afterward if you're not hungry. But, when you're burning more calories and running more, you should reconsider. Your metabolism will speed up as you progress, too.


  2. James,

    Awesome, I knew that I wasn't burning much as it's not long runs at all. I don't like eating before or after working out, no matter what activty it is. It's a left over feeling after barfing when I would play softball and do vball training in the hot summers. If/When I get up to going longer, harder and further I'm sure that I'll start to feel the need to eat a little somethin somethin afterword :)
