Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday Weigh In

I would love to say I'm not a morning person but I am usually pretty upbeat about two hours after I've been awake. It's the 15 minutes immediately following my alarm that are usually the most painful. I usually only get about 6 hours of sleep a night, which is never enough so I've been known to run into doorways, trip over the dog and mumble incoherently til after I've had time to adjust to being vertical. The point I'm trying to get around to is that I ate breakfast this morning before thinking about the consequences... guh rar! It's weigh in morning! Due to my sleep deprivation I had to weigh in with Special K Red Berries & Skim Milk chillaxing in my tummy.

I know that one cup of each doesn't make for a heavier weigh in, it just feels counterproductive. Either way, I lost my weekly goal of two pounds, so yay! I'm a bit frustrated as I worked with Heather twice last week in hopes to maybe bump it up to three but alas, my wayward weekend activities negated any progress I might have made.

So far I have been extremely attentive to staying well below my daily caloric allotment and have been to the gym both nights. Sadly, I have a conference planning meeting this evening that will prevent me from jumping on the treadmill. I'll just have to be extra good about what is going in my mouth through out the day!

Happy Hump Day Everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day and I will be back later this week!

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