Monday, March 21, 2011

Calm, Cool and Collected

At least I'm pretending to be... not sure how well I'm doing. I called my trainer and requested an hour session instead of the usual half hour. So on Thursday, St. Patty's Day (go figure), Heather kicked my butt five times over. She must have spoken with my 6th grade basketball coach and discussed the level of ineptness that happens when I run suicides. Yep, I ran a good old suicide but triple the amount of times going back and forth every 2.5 feet, it was basically torture. I knew halfway into it that I was getting a migraine and it would be sticking with me the rest of the night. The suicide was followed shortly by walking side squats, tons and tons of free weights for the upper body, core training, more squats and some push ups off a ball.

I was definitely sweating and shaking and achy and migraine-y by the end of the hour. I had to go to bed by 9PM after dousing myself with pain pills and a sleeping aid. Would you believe I still had the migraine when I woke up the next morning???

This weekend was filled with movie dates, bar dates, shopping at outlets, working and cleaning. Yesterday after shopping I went for a run/walk with Colbie, did some weights and crunches and then ate a small salad before heading to bed.

As stated in my other blog, I'm really bored with my staple of mac and cheese and my veggie paella... I'm desperate for some new ideas on meatless meals and I still have 33 days of lent to go, argh!

I'm looking forward to Wednesday's weigh in, I hope that I was able to lose those three pounds I gained over last week. I have a feeling I didn't as I'm crampy and bloated and not feeling so wonderful. Girls know that that really doesn't make for a good weekly diet of healthy things... I am desperately craving dessert, AH!

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