Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Weigh In Wednesday :)

I did it, I lost those three lbs I gained last week. Annnd then I ate horribly for lunch today. Shrimp scampi, bread, calamari, crab spinach artichoke dip... argh. It's a good thing Heather will be kicking my butt this evening for another hour long session! Last week she had me do the suicides... I have a feeling since it is super warm outside that there might be a repeat performance. Both the suicide and the migraine, but bring it on, I want to win this competition!

With the exception of yesterday, I have been out running and walking all week with Colbie. This benefits me in two ways 1. She doesn't get fat like me and seems to be nicer to my material belongs (aka doesn't tear apart my flip flops) and 2. I'm getting my exercise. The one thing I want to try desperately is Zumba for the Wii. I am lacking both a Wii and the Zumba game so this is a major issue. Two people at work have recommended it as their go to cardio routine, sayings they have never sweated so much in their life... and one of those women just had a baby and is svette looking aready!

I've been debating on purchasing a keyboard to get back into my piano playing but have played with putting that goal on the back burner in favor of getting a Wii so I can transform myself in the beautiful skinny biotch that has been hibernating since I was 5 years old.

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