Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's that time again... weigh in Wednesday!

Please forgive the two posts in one day, technically the previous was a drugged rant so it doesn't count as a full post ;)

I'm still exhausted this morning due to the drama of last night so a tall cup of black coffee is in order. But first, let's get down to business! Last week consisted of only three days at the gym due to sickness claiming my energy from Thursday on. Despite the lack of physical activity I was able to drop three more pounds by just watching my calorie intake like a hawk and making sure I wasn't going above my alotment. I'm so excited with that outcome because there will be weeks when I can't get to the gym everyday but being extra careful with what goes in my body completely makes up for that. My trainer says weight loss is 80% diet and only 20% excersize. The lesson learned here is to remember to eat your meals/snacks and to drown yourself in water to keep that metabolism going!

Here's a meal I had last week, can't remember what day, but it was pretty tasty. It had to be on a workout day since this is a ton of food. I had some asiago filled tortelloni, california blend steamed veggies and a Morning Star veggie burger, bunless of course :)

I'm so excited to head home to Sandusky for the Easter holiday! My pup has been at the parent's house for the past two weeks due to my heavy time commitments to the conference. She's been in ball chasing heaven but apparently when cars that look like mine pull into the driveway she sits down and waits for me to appear. I can't wait to see her face again!!

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